*Double exposure photo done by my awesome husband*
I think part of the problem is I'm worried all these things I'm thinking of writing about are too 'heavy' or 'depressing.' Not that my life is either of those things - just many "deep" thoughts lately - many related to our loss.
For today, let's talk about something a little lighter, shall we?
So, by now you all know I've developed a love for running. Well, I've had to slow down my regime in the last couple months - all for health reasons. Our miscarriage, followed by two bad viruses back-to-back, forced me off my regular routine.
Last week, I was finally getting back up to the mileage I'd been doing and then last weekend, I was hit with a new problem - an injury.
After my knee injury two summers ago, there was no way my hubby was letting me run with an injury. After a talk with a physical therapist this week (thanks to my awesome gym!) it looks like I'm dealing with peroneal tendinitis.

See that lovely little tendon? Yeah, it hurts. Even when I'm just walking. Or sitting. Honestly, the pain has lessened some today, but I'm still doing my fair share of limping.
The good news: The PT said I didn't have to lay off it completely - I just have to be careful not to overdo it. (like I'd ever overdo something. please.) And she gave me the added warning that if it didn't get better, I'd probably need treatment (*groan*)
So now I'm trying to keep doing cardio in forms that don't aggravate my foot, ice it regularly, and hope to try running on it again in a few days to see how it feels.
My goal this summer was is to do Dam-to-Dam in June with my sis-in-law. So, this latest set back is leaving me worried and frustrated.
Worried that I won't be ready for a 20k.
Frustrated I can't train the way I want to.
But once again, God is using my circumstances to get my attention.
- I'm learning I need to trust Him in everything - even delays in training for a race.
- I'm (still) learning to be patient - that things aren't going to always go my way and in my time. (have I mentioned I'm not very good at that?)
- And I'm being reminded that His ways are not my ways and His thoughts are higher than my thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8)
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds,
James 1:2-5
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