Tuesday, May 26, 2009


So I said in a previous post (“Happy Boys”) that Austin and Zack’s current favorite game to play together is Peek-a-Boo. Well, Austin has also figured out how to play it on his own!

Josh discovered Austin’s new talent while playing Peek-a-Boo with him with a burp cloth the other day. Now, Austin will hold a burp cloth over his face…


Then quickly push it down and look to see if you’re watching him…


It’s hilarious to watch him do it… As a matter of fact, we caught him doing it on video,too! And here it is, for your viewing pleasure… :)

Austin Plays Peek-a-Boo from Kristy Heilman on Vimeo.

Happy Boys

So if I’m being totally honest, Zack has been driving me a little batty lately. He’s a 3 year old boy who can’t stop talking and is usually trying to push the limits as far as he can. (not to mention my patience is shorter lately due to my severe lack of sleep – thanks to Austin teething)

Not to say he’s BAD all the time, ‘cause that’s not exactly accurate. It’s more that he’s a typical 3 year old who is testing his limits and has more energy than he knows what to do with. But he’s also just bad sometimes – no denying that!

All that said, I’m so blessed to have two very HAPPY boys. Zack adores his little brother and loves to help with him, and play with him whenever he gets a chance. Now that Austin’s even more into playing, Zack loves it and just cracks up when Austin responds to him. Their current favorite game to play: Peek-a-Boo.


Austin is, in general, a VERY happy baby. He is always smiling and making his “happy” sounds. We’ve had a few more “grumpy” times than usually lately because he’s teething, but overall, he’s turning into quite the clown.



I’m thinking maybe he takes after his brother a little bit…



So I think maybe I’m going to have my hands even MORE full once Austin is mobile. These two are going to be keeping me on my toes for a long time to come!



moneySo I’m a little behind is keeping up with the blog these days. Haven’t had much of a chance to sit down by myself and get anything written…  This post is one for Auntie Brenda :) She asked me to talk about how I got out of the store with 6 dinners, breakfasts, lunches and snacks for about $100. (See “New Way of Thinking”) So here goes…

I don’t really have any exact formula for this kind of thing, but have learned I have to get things in order if I want to keep the price down at the grocery store.

First, make a menu. If I head to the store thinking I need to pick up food to make meals for the week, but don’t know what those meals are going to be before I get there, I will inevitably be stuck in the store A LOT longer and will end up spending more. SO – before I go to the store, I make a menu for the week. I don’t plan out what we’ll each on any exact day – just have a list of meals to pick from. It’s worked out really well.

Once you have your menu, make your grocery list.grocery1Now, I should mention that lately, since I’ve been really trying to make every penny stretch, I’m careful about what kind of meals I plan to make. If you really want to pinch some pennies, choose meals that share ingredients. For example, one week I might make meatball subs, spaghetti and meatballs, and Polynesian meatballs (a yummy, easy recipe). That way, I buy one of the bags of frozen meatballs, and it works for 3 meals, or more. It stretches your money, and it makes your grocery list much shorter (a plus when you’ve got a couple kids along for the ride!)

Stick to your list when you’re at the store. It’s all those little “extra” purchases that quickly cause your bill to climb. So if you’re wanting some extra (for me, it’s usually chocolate…) add it to the list and plan for it. You’ll feel less guilty about it, too. :)

Oh, we talked about dinners, but what about breakfasts, lunches and snacks? Well, I find the same principle of buying things that can be used for multiple purposes works well for this, too. Buy eggs, bread and flour (or Bisquick in my case! Then you can also make Taco Chili Bake for dinner!) and you can make eggs, pancakes, french toast, etc.  Get bread, lunch meat, and cheese and you can make lunch meat sandwiches, grilled cheese, grilled lunch meat sandwiches (changing it up JUST a little can help you not feel like you’re eating the same thing every day).

couponsCoupons are helpful, as well, though it seems they’re harder to find in the paper these days.

My favorite place for grabbing coupons is SmartSource.com. You can sign up and set it to email you every time there are new coupons. You go through, pick the ones you want, and print them out. I’ve used them at multiple grocery stores and Wal-Mart. They work great! (and are for things you’d actually buy)  Usually, I end up using coupons on things like cereal (we go through a lot of cereal, but it can be so expensive these days!) and paper towels (always an essential), and similar items.

Okay, this is probably not broken up as well as it could be or as organized, but I admit to being sleep deprived and distracted by a 3 year old who won’t stop talking… Hopefully it lends a little help anyway!


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Proof I’m Losing My Mind

Consider this:

-After putting creamer in my coffee, I proceeded to put the creamer away in the cabinet where I keep the coffee cups. I didn’t realize I’d done this until AFTER I closed the cabinet.

-I had just changed an exceedingly poopy Austin diaper. I wrapped it up and tossed it…in Austin’s dirty clothes hamper. Luckily, I wrap diapers REALLY well.

-Josh and I were on our way home, talking in the car. I was about to tell him something, when he said he’d turned too soon. He asked what I was saying and I said something about being “thrown off” and not remembering what I was going to say. Josh said, “Thrown off?” To which I replied, “Three or four at least.”  He looked at me strangely.   It took us a couple seconds to realize *I* thought he’d said “Three off.” (as in how many streets off from the correct turn)

Any further evidence needed? I’m sure I’ll accumulate more VERY soon.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

A New Way of Thinking…

So today I think I realized that I have become consumed by the stay-at-home mom way of thinking. Why, you ask? Because today I found myself pining over a set of plastic drawers to use in a closet. Yep, that’s right – Plastic drawers. Ok, so yes, they’re practical and great for organization in a messy 3-year-old’s room, but PINING over them? Seriously Kristy, get a grip!  (side note: I didn’t buy them. I’m still pining over them.)

In all seriousness though, I’m loving this stay-at-home mom gig. Sure, it has its rough moments (or entire days), but what job doesn’t? At least, on my bad days at this job, I’m still spending the time with my boys – even when they may drive me a little batty. (But then again, let’s not kid ourselves – I’m already a little batty).

And if we need any more proof that I’ve fully submitted to this lifestyle, here are a few more pieces of evidence:

- At the grocery store this week, I was able to get groceries for about 6 dinners, plus breakfast and lunch foods and snacks for about $100 – I nearly did a dance at the cash register upon receiving my total.

- I get more excited about getting new clothes for the boys and getting them dressed, then about getting new clothes for me and getting myself dressed. (Ok, this may also have to do with the current extra inches I’m striving to lose, but still)

- Vacuuming the living room brings me joy.

- Having freshly cleaned kitchen counters makes me practically giddy.

I’m sure I could go on, but I’ll spare you. All this to say, I love my job, even if sometimes I wonder about my new way of thinking. ;)