Running this weekend, for this particular cause, has put me in a reflective mood about Austin’s journey. It’s been ages since I’ve given an update on him. I think that’s because it’s been going so well and, let’s face it, we tend to talk more about things when they’re an “issue” and not when things are going smoothly.
So, here’s a little “photo journey” of our little Austin.
We found out at our 20-week ultrasound that Austin had clubfoot. We had no idea what that meant, but with some research, quickly found out.
We had a 3D Ultrasound done a few weeks later…and could clearly see his crooked little feet.
But God gave us such peace through everything. When Austin was born we didn’t feel stress over his little feet. We knew God had brought us to Iowa for a reason, and this was yet more proof to that. We found out the man who developed the most effective treatment for clubfoot – that also involves no surgery – was based right here in Iowa.
So when Austin was two week old, we headed out to Iowa City for his first set of casts. He had four sets total.
Here’s one of his first sets...
At the doctor’s office…One set off, waiting to put another on.
At home in one of his final sets of casts.
Decorated by Mommy, Daddy and Zack :)
After four sets of casts, and seeing his feet change SO dramatically, it was time for the Mitchell brace. At first, he was in this brace 23 hours a day – with an hour break for bath/playtime. He didn’t get a real bath until this time!
He spent three month wearing the brace 23 hours a day. Then “graduated” to just wearing it during naps and bedtime (about 16 hours a day). Now, we’re down to just wearing it at bedtime! It’s so a much a part of his routine that we don’t think much about it anymore. He’ll wear the Mitchell brace at bedtime until he’s at least 4, but hopefully we’ll be able to keep him wearing it at night until he’s 5. (it will lower his chance of relapse dramatically).
Now? Our Austin is walking, running and playing like any other little boy. You’d never know he was born with clubfoot. In fact, when I tell people that (who haven’t known him since birth) they’re usually shocked.
We’re so thankful God brought us to where Austin could get the best treatment possible. And we’re so thankful to Dr. Ponseti for answering the call God put on his life.
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