Today, I decided Zack and I’s school project would be writing stories. So, we sat down at the computer together. Zack dictated. I typed. This is what came out… (*obviously we haven’t quite tackled run-on sentences yet, but I figure we’ve got time*)
The Racing Zack
by Zackary Heilman
Once upon a time, Zack was in a really big race driving a race car. He was in a small car that had his name on it. He was wearing shoes, a helmet, a racing suit and gloves. And then he pushed on the smash pedal and smashed the other car and all the other cars lost and he won. Then he got out of his car and cheered!
The Band of Zack
by Zackary Heilman
Zack had really new drums. They were gold and blue. Mommy took Zack to a band. Daddy was playing the guitar. Mommy was singing “Brainpower.” But suddenly Zack came back home and ate breakfast when he woke up in the morning. Then he went to time out. Daddy wrote a game called Iron Man and Silver Iron Man. It was game two.
The Dragon of Everyone Dragons
by Zackary Heilman
Once upon a time, at home, Zack had a bad dream. A dragon ate Zack and he was freaked out and he was scared and ran away. Zack tried to get away and Mommy came. Zack told Mommy there was a mysterious dragon. Suddenly, the dragon touched Zack and he turned into a dragon, and Mommy turned into a dragon, and Austin turned in a dragon, and Daddy turned into a dragon. All Zack’s friends turned into a dragon.
The Playing of Zack
by Zackary Heilman
One day Zack was playing with his drums and Daddy was playing a game. But suddenly, when Zack looked, his old drums were gone! He checked in his present and one of his friends gave him no drums, just a guitar! Suddenly, Zack was very happy! Then he played the guitar all night.
The Playing of All of My Family
by Zackary Heilman
One day all of my family was playing and so was Austin. Mommy was making my little brother, Austin, a little smaller. We gave Daddy some glasses on the Wii. I played Wii Sports Resort and so did Mommy. I tried the bow and arrows, but it didn’t go so well. And all of the sudden, I haven’t played bowling on it. But I have played basketball and Frisbee and swordfighting. Then we got a new big TV and I got so many new toys that I couldn’t believe my eyes! I got a big blood blister, but I looked and it was healing. We got a new clock. Austin’s asleep, but it’s ok.
The Night of Me Being Batman
by Zackary Heilman
One day Batman was fighting bad guys and he swung and then he started fighting more bad guys. Batman had claws. They were good claws. They boomed out. He scratched Joker’s face. And then he got all of his goons. And then Batman and Robin had saved the day again.
Teen Titans
by Zackary Heliman
One day all of Robin’s friends were fighting a monster. Well, Robin tried to talk to that man, but he spoke Spanish. Well, Robin spoke Spanish too! Then he spoke English again.
The Lego Batman of Fighting
by Zackary Heilman
The Riddler is teaching his friends how to work like him. An orange guy went, “OOO HEE HEE HUH!” And then the Riddler went, “BIP!” But Riddler and Orange Guy were waiting for the building of Gotham to boom. They thought it was Molten Man. But suddenly, Batman and Robin appeared out of nowhere! Robin fell down and Batman climbed down the stairs. His cape was stuck on his head, but he FWOOMed it out. Zack was playing a game, and he came out from nowhere! He was fighting the bad guys. He pushed “X X X X X”.
This started out as writing one story, but turned into eight. (and Zack wanted to hear each one read back to him.) Once I put "by Zackary Heilman" on the first story, Zack made sure I did it for EACH ONE. He also says "THE END" for every story. So, I thought it appropriate to type it up just like he said it. Honestly, I can't wait to read these to him when he's a teenager... ;) So, today's school project was a success! :)
Ha ha... awesome!