Austin is now 8 months old and he is full of mischief! (as any little boy should be, of course). It's all onward and upward for him these days. Just a couple weeks ago, he mastered crawling forward. He was getting everywhere he wanted to before, but did so by moving backward and sideways. Now that he has the forward motion thing down-pat, we're in trouble. And today he mastered another skill....*drumroll please*.... pulling himself up on furniture (or anything/anyone else that will be still just long enough for him to take advantage). You can tell he desperately wants to walk... and he's not giving up on trying!
As you can see by the picture above, he's into everything now. His favorite place to be is Zack's room... and thankfully, Zack loves him being in there with him. I love to sit in the hall and peek in on them without them knowing it. I constantly have to stifle giggles while watching them!
Austin is doing so well, and you wouldn't ever know about his rough start unless we told you. Speaking of which, he's still doing great in his braces for naps and bedtime. His next check-up with Dr. Dietz in Iowa City is next week - We're hoping for a glowing review!
Here's to new milestones! :)
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