So, I'm TRYING to do that, and trying to work out as well. I've gotten a workout in today and yesterday. I figure two days in a row is a flippin' record since I have to work around the boys to be able to do it. Tomorrow, it's supposed to be nice outside so I think we'll change things up and go for a walk. That will be nice. :)
Zack is hilarious when I work out to videos though. Yesterday he was trying to do it with me, and coach me at the same time. "No Mommy, put your arms like this." "Ok Mommy, stretch your legs out more!" "Jump Mommy!" At least I have a cheering section, right?
Now, enough about me --- let's talk a little about the show! So I like most the people still on right now, but I'm partial to Felipe and Sione.
I also really like Mike and his dad, Ron. I'm not a big fan of Tara and Lara, the former models. Tara is so self-possessed and Lara is such a whiner! Oi.
Anyway - Bob (the trainer) is getting on my nerves a little this season. He seems more worried about the gameplay this go-around than the people. Jillian, on the other hand, I really like. Though I think I'd probably die if she worked me out! She's tough!Ok, enough of that. Just thought I'd rant a little since all this weight loss stuff is on my mind. (and I'm still on a bit of a "high" from today's workout). Oh, but one more thing: I'm ticked about how they ended the show last night! UGH! Ok, I'm done...Happy weight-loss! :)
Good luck with the weightloss! I am trying to get rid of the extra weight from four kids! It's crazy! My mom has down the weigh-down workshop before and had success.