Friday, April 9, 2010

Wish List

I’m sitting in a completely quiet house (except for a snoring pug) and looking at clothes and pretty things online. It’s a glorious moment. So…I thought I might share a few of these pretty things with all of you and see what you think. Am I wrong? Or are these things just lovely?

I’m in love with this tank from Old Navy…


…and it comes in five different colors!

And how about these plaid bermudas? Yes please!


…and then of course I’m loving this cuff bracelet


And since someone ((probably me)) broke my sunglasses… I’m thinking a pair of these may soon be in order.


Alright… I better stop now. Thus ends the wish list portion of our blogging…you may now return to your previous scheduled life. ;)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Review: “Firefly”

For those of you who don’t know, I’m a bit of a geek. Shocking, I know. To be a little more specific, I enjoy sci fi and video games. (within certain limits), which some people tend to find “geeky.” Yet another facet of my incredibly complex personality. (Ok, so really it’s not all that complex…)
At any rate, Josh and I are both big fans of Star Trek (though we’re not the “dress-up-at-conventions” types) and also Star Wars (again, no costumes or conventions) and we’ve discovered some other movies and TV shows we enjoy of the “sci fi” variety. So, when we have time (usually after the boys are in bed) we like to watch our geeky shows together. ;)

Recently, a friend of Josh’s recommended we try out Firefly. It was a show that aired a few years ago and only lasted one season. So, we added it to our Netflix list. (honestly, we LOVE Netflix) Last night, we finished up the final episode. There were only 14 episodes total, and I have to tell you – we were sorry to see it end!
The show was created by Joss Whedon (who also created Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Dollhouse, etc.) It was obvious the makers of the show expected they’d have a second season, because there were so many loose ends left hanging. Since the show ended up cancelled, there was a movie made (Serenity) that is supposed to wrap things up. Josh and I will be watching that very soon. (tonight, I hope!)
What was interesting about this show was it was far less “out there” than others, such as Star Wars or Star Trek. No aliens or weird space anomalies. It was pretty believable for what the future might be like in 500 years (which is when it’s set). It has sort of a “space cowboy” feel to it.
What I really enjoyed was that I found myself laughing every episode (yes, EVERY episode). The characters were real, believable and even (dare I say) endearing. They’re criminals, mind you, but loveable criminals none-the-less. (think sort of a Robin Hood vibe) I found I cared for the characters, and was always interested to see what was coming in the next episode.
There was something I loved about each of the main characters, but my favorites were probably Wash (played by Alan Tudyk)…
…and Jayne (played by Adam Baldwin)…
…simply because they always made me laugh.
I also loved the playfulness and sweetness of Kaylee (played by Jewel Staite – who I also loved in Flash Forward on the Disney Channel when I was a kid!)
So, yes, 14 episodes was far too few for me. It seems Firefly didn’t get the fair shot it deserved (I have the same sentiment about Freaks and Geeks!) and I’m sure I’ll still be wanting more when the final scene of Serenity plays, but I’m so glad that we tried this show out! All that said, I definitely recommend it.

6 Years

Us then…
#6-21 Outside leaving
#6-23 leaving outside
Us now…
The last six years have had their fair share of ups and downs, with plenty of tough times sprinkled throughout, but I can tell you without hesitation that the last six years have been six of the best years of my life. On April 3, 2004 I married the man God made just for me and here’s something else I can tell you: I love him even more today than I did then.
Joshua Heilman: Six years and two kids later… I love you more than I ever have. I’m so blessed by your patience and kindness, your sense of humor and sense of honor, your love for God and your love for family. I adore you.