I’ll be honest: I’m loving the cooler weather we’re having this summer! Today, it’s only going to get into the upper 70s or low 80s… and it’s July 20th! Sure, it’s a little cool for swimming, but overall, I love it :) I prefer not to feel like I’m continually melting while I’m outside.
The boys have been enjoying it too, since it means it’s easier to spend more time outside (since we can avoid that whole melting thing I just mentioned).
The Saturday after the 4th of July, we went to Ankeny’s Summerfest parade (since we didn’t get to attend a 4th of July parade this year) Zack thoroughly enjoyed it. It was only in the 80s that day, but we all got pretty warm after sitting out in the sun for a few hours!
Zack was sporting his shades, and Austin was lookin’ good in his stylish new hat ;)
The folks in Ankeny are very, VERY generous when it comes to candy. Zack made off with quite a haul…
We’ve also been hittin’ the water in the past week (even if it hasn’t been scorching outside). My awesome in-laws have a lovely hot tub, which served as our “pool” this past week. The boys LOVED it. Zack was quick to hop in this time with Aunt Cassidy. (Yes I know, they look like brother and sister, instead of Aunt and nephew!)
I have a feeling Austin is going to be our water baby. He is completely comfortable and has no fear of it, it seems.
Further proving his comfort level…Austin proceeds to recline in his floaty (he does this almost as soon as he gets in!)
Zack’s also been taking part in the summer reading program at the library this summer. He loves to read and we spend a lot of time reading together. Right now, we’re readying ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ together…along with all his other little books, of course :) He gets prizes from the library for reading certain amounts…and one of the prizes he got this last week was sidewalk chalk. So, of course, we had to try it out :)
He wrote his name (he’s getting better at it). This time, we ended up with a backwards ‘Z’… but not bad for a 3 year old. :)
So far, we’re loving the summer and I can’t believe it’s going by so quickly! Still up this month: The Walk for Military Marriages and maybe more swimming at Grandma and Papa’s. Next month: The Iowa State Fair and a visit from Grandpa and Mimi!
All this keeps bringing one of Zack favorite new songs to my mind… “God is so good, God is so good, God is so good…He’s so good to me.”